Art & Design

Unicode 字符映射转换器

这是李继刚(即刻同名)创建的用于美化英文样式的 Bot。可以将英文字符转换成好看的样式,粘贴到微信等不支持切换字体的软件中。 输入中文会先翻译为英文,再做转换。


Unicode Character Mapping Converter is a Bot created by Li Jigang (same name as on Just now) for beautifying English styles. It can convert English characters into stylish ones that can be pasted into software like WeChat that doesn’t support font switching. If you input Chinese, it will first translate it into English and then convert it. With this app, you can easily transform your text and make it visually appealing. Impress your friends with fancy text styles and fonts!

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